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DNA Test – Overcoming Prejudice


Identity testing has been used throughout history and has recently been revolutionised by the DNA test.

Before The DNA Test

For centuries Identity testing has been a part of human history, since long before the DNA test arrived and changed the way in which we confirm identity. In the latter half of the nineteenth century mankind's search for identifying marks began. From the colour of the eyes to the shape of the ears, from dental records, handwriting, fingerprinting and now the DNA test. Establishing is of obvious importance in crime fighting but also for an emotional sense of self.

Science Transformed By DNA Test

The DNA test proves that, with the exception of identical twins, each person’s individual genetic make-up is unique. Before the DNA test transformed modern science the art of identification was often a dangerous one; identifying marks and certain traits being used to support racial prejudices. Charles Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, used cranial measurements and composite photographs to reveal the common presence of certain traits in murderers, sexual offenders, mental patients and even Jews. As shown by historical figures such as Hitler, human identity could become a dangerous ideological weapon, the worst ramifications being genocide and racism. Galton also saw Negroid features as a sign of degeneracy and was a strong supporter of eugenics, the social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention.

DNA Test Overcame Prejudice

A recent Channel Four show, 100% English, proved the DNA test to be a great way of overcoming social prejudice and racism. The show took a handful of English people who were convinced of the purity of their Anglo-Saxon heritage, and used the DNA test to prove this not to be the case.

Agreed To DNA Test

Comedian Danny Blue was one of the participants in the show that agreed to a DNA test and before the results were revealed he insisted they would find no dilution of his Anglo-Saxon bloodline going back twelve generations. He also said that although the black footballer Ian Wright was born in England and played football for the England team that, “An English person can’t have black skin.” Danny’s DNA test revealed his genetic make-up was 10% Middle Eastern, 11% South Asian, 37% south-eastern European and 43% northern European and he was forced to re-think his ideas of identity and race based on the colour of someone’s skin.

DNA tests have proved BNP supporters to have a black ancestor in their not so distant past, which may encourage them to reassess their prejudices.

Take a DNA Test

If you are interested in unearthing your ancestral make-up and anthropological roots, this simple DNA test can show you which world region(s) your ancestors originated from and travelled to, giving you your unique geographical and racial heritage.

Who’zTheDaddy? offer a wide choice of At Home Paternity Test services designed to provide accurate answers to emotional questions. Whether you are looking to verify paternity, confirm siblingship or research genealogy, for peace of mind or for legal use, we are able to provide the appropriate At Home Paternity Test at the most competitive rates, confidentially and professionally.

Using state-of-the-art technology we are able to provide conclusive results on time, every time. Click here to contact one of our knowledgeable customer service advisors by telephone or email.

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